8″x10″ acrylic, 2012. As I was painting this floppy guy, it occured to me that it’s sort of odd that the North American black bear is fairly under-represented in the world of stuffed toys. This one seems to be referencing his species’ plight, reclining in a rather fur-rug-before-the-fire pose. When Vicky suggested the idea of having his toy immortalized in a painting to her eight-year-old grandson Ezra, he was very excited about it! Ezra has loved this bear ever since he was a toddler and still sleeps with him every night. The portrait will be a gift from Vicky to Ezra on his upcoming birthday.
Category: Toy Portraits
Custom portraiture and paintings of Sonja’s toys
Cookie Monster
8″x10″ acrylic, 2012. I’m thrilled and honored to have been entrusted with two full boxes of Barbara’s family treasures to paint! Most are beautiful wooden pull-toys hand made by her late father, but among them was nestled this well-worn stuffed Cookie Monster, which belongs to her grown son Benjamin. Barbara tells me that Benjamin, the oldest of five children, was obsessed with Cookie Monster and carried this toy with him everywhere — into sandboxes, riding on Big Wheels, and, of course, to bed. He has even survived being completely drenced in grape juice. So beloved is the toy that, when he left for college, Benjamin took along a stand-in Cookie Monster for fear of losing the original!
8″x10″ acrylic, 2012. Thank goodness that I sometimes remember to bring business cards to the playground! While at our local park with Sonja last fall, we met Juliette and her very sweet five-year-old daughter Jenna. Jenna was very kind and big-sisterly to my little-er one, and Julliette and I had a nice chat. And then this spring, just before embarking upon a huge move to Pennsylvania, Julliette commissioned this portrait for Jenna’s upcoming July birthday. Jenna’s floppy pup JoJo has been by her side since babyhood. He’s been lost a couple of times and had several stitches and re-stuffings. He’s even made a few appearances at Jenna’s kindergarten this year! I’m sure JoJo has been a great source of comfort during the family’s move… best of luck to Juliette and Jenna in their new home!
Professor Teddy and Lamby
8″x10″ acrylic, 2012. When Aliza was little, her habit of carrying her bear with her arm around his neck caused all the neck stuffing to bunch up into his head. Aliza reasoned that smart people probobly had bigger heads, so she named her bear “Professor Teddy.” She picked him out herself as a very small child and he remained close to Aliza’s side through many childhood adventures and even through college. Professor Teddy now keeps Aliza’s bed warm in her old room at her mother’s house. This stuffed lamb, which belongs to Aliza’s younger sister, Zoe, once played “Mary Had a Little Lamb” when wound up, but now only pings out a random note here and there! Lamby was given to Zoe when she was a baby by a long-time family friend and has been her favorite ever since. Aliza commissioned this portrait of their two toys together as a gift for Zoe’s upcoming birthday.
Spike, Kitty, Blue Bunny
8″x10″ acrylic, 2012. In this “symbolic” family portrait, the family members are represented by their favorite stuffed toys. This is one of two portraits commissioned by Paul for his wife Kathleen as gifts for Mother’s Day and her upcoming birthday, although Paul ended up growing impatient and gave her both on Mother’s Day! The droopy, laconic Spike has always been Kathleen’s favorite Peanuts character, and she’s had this stuffed toy since she was ten years old. Paul’s blue rabbit was a given to him on his first Easter. This stuffed cat only recently emerged as three-year-old Asa’s favorite, and Paul reckons that it’s because he resembles their own cat “New Kitty” (who retains his title beyond his actual newness!) I have the pleasure of knowing this family personally, and I can tell you that these toys strike me as amusingly accurate and appropriate stand-ins! Check back tomorrow for my portrait of adorable, red-headed, train-obsessed Asa.
Little People Portrait: Dominic’s Family
8″x10″ acrylic, 2012. Here’s another “symbolic” family portrait as vintage Fisher-Price Little People! This one was commissioned by Dominic as a Mother’s Day present for his wife Cassandra. In order to represent the couple and their little son Isaac with some accuracy, I took artistic liberties with the classic Little People designs. Dominic requested that I invent a beard for him, so I lifted the detailing from a Fisher-Price Sesame Street Gordon doll and then embellished the facial hair. Dominic typically wears a hat, so I took one from what I think is a Little People mailman and put it atop the classic, green-bodied dad figure. The only female African American Little Person was Susan, whose hairstyle was less representative of Cassandra’s than the standard-issue mother doll’s ponytail, so I changed the coloring and made use of that form. Luckily, a small boy figure that well represents Isaac actually existed. Dominic tells me that they might have an updated portrait made in a couple of years, as the family is expecting a baby girl this August!
My Little Pegasus
5″x7″ acrylic on cardboard, 2012. A collection of portraits of classic toys would not be complete without a My Little Pony! Between commissions, I’m building up a body of toy paintings for an upcoming August exhibit. This tiny Pegasus came from our amazing local thrift store, which had a whole basket of Little Ponies. Judging from my daughter’s delight and immediate confiscation of my “model,” we will be going back for more!
6″x8″ acrylic on cardboard, 2012. This little classic Monchichi turned out to have a very sad story that belies it’s joyful expression and theme song. It had found its way into Sonja’s jumble of toys by way of a visit to my mother’s house. As I was painting it for an upcoming exhibit, it occured to me that I had no idea where it had come from, and so I emailed my family about it. My mom responded that she had picked it up at a yard sale on a whim in the late 80’s when my sister and I were already fairly grown. Our next-door neighbor’s very ill baby girl, Amelia, took a liking to it, and my mom would entertain her by dancing the monkey around. The little plastic feet would make a cheerful clicking sound on the floor Amelia would squeal with delight! She also liked to chew on the monkey’s furry tail. Poor Amelia’s passed away from her heart defect before she had grown beyond babyhood… I love this little toy for being a source of happiness during her short life.
Fisher Price Family
6″x8″ acryic on cardboard, 2012. Here’s a symbolic portrait of our family, each of us represented by a vintage Fisher-Price Little Person. My husband’s incredibly sentimental response to the piece was, of course, “Where’s my hair?” If you’d like a Little People portrait of your own family, please be in touch!
Doggy and Bun-Bun
9″x12″ acrylic, 2012. This was my fourth occasion to paint this particular style of white Jellycat bunny! This time, however, I got to witness in person how soft and irresistable Jellycat toys are, and the devotion they inspire. These two belong to the children of Jenny of the wonderful Mamatoga blog, who won the custom portrait I donated to an auction benefiting the Children’s Museum of Saratoga. I had the pleasure of visiting Jenny and meeting the adorable kids, and was able to set up the “photo shoot” for the toys myself! “Doggy” was originally a baby toy for Leven, who is now almost four, but was adopted by Finn, who is five. Levy now has this bunny in three sizes, and she sleeps with all of them! This middle-sized one is known as ” Bun-Bun.” It was really fun to watch the kids interact with the toys… they were quite relieved that I showed up just to take photos and not to take them away for an extended modeling session!