Tag: pillow

Tickle Dolly

8″x10″ acrylic, 2011. As a college graduation gift, Cici commissioned this very creative, slightly surreal portrait which LITERALLY melds a few of her daughter Ellie’s favorite things! You might notice that the doll leans against the pillow and also reaches INTO the pillow’s image to wrap her arm around the terrier’s neck! Ellie has had “Tickle Dolly” (named for the tickly lace on her bonnet and dress) since she was a baby, and it still travels with her. Cici also sent photos of their beloved Jack Russell terrier, Maddie, and decided that this terrier pillow should stand in for her in the painting. Cici was brimming with helpful input and ideas — she referred to a specific green chair from another portrait when envisioning the background, and even sent a Photoshopped mock-up of the magically entwined doll and pillow!

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