Tag: mouse

Mousey and Lovey

8″x10″ acrylic, 2010. Oh, the irony… for years I wanted to paint nothing but the human face close-up, because it frustrated me to have to deal with lots of clothing or surrounding space. And now, here I am completely immersed in painting fabric — an loving it! The two subjects of this portrait were super exciting and challenging with their stripeyness and strongly-lit textures. Also, this painting was a last-minute Christmas order which had to finish within three days! The painting is a gift for one-year-old Leah from her mother Denise, who bought Mousey while pregnant as a clever way to let her husband know they would be having a girl. Leah gravitates toward a special spot with a snap and a tag on the blanket, Lovey, who “revolutionized sleep in our house,” says Denise.

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